Kalamara Antigoni

Dr Antigoni Kalamara is a nuclear physics postdoc researcher at NCSR «Demokritos» and she is currently working on FRINGE project, a program that is focused on the development of a genuinely new hybrid-technology for cancer therapy. Her research activities are focused on nuclear reaction cross section measurements, Monte Carlo simulations and theoretical calculations. She holds diploma (5 year-degree, BSc plus MSc equivalent) in Applied Physics from the School of Applied Mathematical & Physical Sciences (2011), MSc in Physics and Technological Applications (2014) and PhD in Nuclear Physics (2019) all obtained at the National Technical University of Athens. The title of her PhD thesis is «Neutron induced reactions on Ir and Au and production of isomeric states». She has attended European Schools and performed experiments at European (PSI, Villigen, Switzerland | ÚJV, Řež, Czech Republic | TSL, Uppsala, Sweden) and National (NCSR «Demokritos», Athens) research centers. She has 20 publications in international peer reviewed scientific journals, 20 publications in international conference proceedings and 30 papers in national conference proceedings.