Stamatelatos Ion

Dr. Ion Stamatelatos is Director of Research and Head of the Nuclear Research Reactor Laboratory at the Institute of Nuclear and Radiological Sciences, Technology, Energy & Safety, NCSR “Demokritos”. His current research activities focus on fusion technology within the framework of the European Consortium for the Development of Fusion Energy (EUROfusion). He serves as National Representative in the Group of Scientific Experts in terms of Article 37 of the Euratom Treaty and he is a Member of the Editorial Board of Applied Radiation and Isotopes journal.
Dr. Stamatelatos scientific interests include development of nuclear and radiation techniques with applications in nuclear technology, biomedicine and cultural heritage studies, nuclear analytical techniques, radiation transport simulations, radiation detection and measurement, neutron dosimetry, neutronics, radiation protection and nuclear safety.
He has obtained research grants under H2020 EUROfusion, EFDA, IAEA and GSRT. He has authored 80 publications in peer reviewed scientific journals, about 80 publications in International Conference Proceedings, 45 publications in National Conferences & Symposia, as well as a number of technical reports. He has supervised 6 PhD and 16 MSc students now continuing their scientific career excelling in the areas of nuclear technology and radiation physics. He has taught interaction of radiation with matter and radiation protection in nuclear installations in post-graduate courses in Greece and abroad. He has collaborated with Universities and Research Centers in Greece and abroad, such as UKAEA (UK), ENEA (Italy), IFJ/IPPLM (Poland), BNL (US), TUDelft (The Netherlands), Tufts Univ. (US), Univ. of Oslo (Norway), Univ. of Ioannina (Greece) and NTUA (Greece), resulting in common publications and research grants.
Dr. Stamatelatos holds PhD in Physics, from the University of Birmingham, UK (1991), MSc in Medical Physics from the University of Aberdeen, UK (1984) and BSc in Physics from the University of Patras, Greece (1983).