Vasilopoulou Theodora (Dora)

+30 210 6503713
M.I. Savva, S.C. Bradnam, T. Vasilopoulou, C.R. Nobs, K. Mergia, L.W. Packer, I.E. Stamatelatos and JET Contributors. (2023). Application of VERDI detectors for ITER materials activation product inventory characterization. Fusion Engineering and Design 191, 113559 doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2023.113559
M.I. Savva, T. Vasilopoulou, I.E. Stamatelatos, K. Mergia, S. Messoloras, I. Michelakaki, Z. Ghani, C.R. Nobs, L.W. Packer and JET Contributors. (2021). Application of VERDI detectors for neutron fluence measurements during the JET 2019 Deuterium-Deuterium campaign, Fusion Engineering and Design 166, 112286
Vasilopoulou, T., Stamatelatos, I.E., Batistoni, P., Colangeli, A., Flammini, D., Fonnesu, N., Loreti, S., Obryk, B., Pillon, M., Villari, R. (2019) Improved neutron activation dosimetry for fusion, Fusion Engineering and Design, 139, 109-114, DOI:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2019.01.002 []
Vasilopoulou T., Stamatelatos I.E., Batistoni P., Fonnesu N., Villari R., Naish J., Popovichev S., Obryk B. (2019) Activation foil measurements at JET in preparation for DT plasma operation, Fusion Engineering and Design, 146, 250-255, DOI: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2018.12.038 []
C.R. Nobs, L.W. Packer, P. Batistoni, B. Colling, Z. Ghani, M. Gilbert, S. Loreti, K. Mergia, S. Messoloras, I. Michelakaki, M. Pillon, M.I. Savva, I.E. Stamatelatos, K. Triantou, T. Vasilopoulou. (2019) Neutron Spectrum Unfolding for the Development of a Novel Neutron Detector for Fusion, Fusion Engineering and Design 146, 2658-2662,
M.I. Savva, T. Vasilopoulou, C.R. Nobs, P. Batistoni, B. Colling, Z. Ghani, M. Gilbert, S. Loreti, K. Mergia, S. Messoloras, I. Michelakaki, L.W. Packer, M. Pillon, I.E. Stamatelatos, K. Triantou. (2019). VERDI detector benchmark experiment at the ENEA 14 MeV Frascati Neutron Generator, Fusion Engineering and Design 146, Part B, 1877-1881,
Batistoni, P., Villari, R., Obryk, B., Packer, L.W., Stamatelatos, I.E., Popovichev, S., Colangeli, A., Colling, B., Fonnesu, N., Loreti, S., Klix, A., Klosowski, M., Malik, K., Naish, J., Pillon, M., Vasilopoulou, T., De Felice, P., Pimpinella, M., Quintieri, L. (2018) Overview of neutron measurements in JET fusion device, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 180, 102-108, DOI: 10.1093/RPD/NCX174 []
Villari, R., Batistoni, P., Bradnam, S., Colling, B., Fischer, U., Flammini, D., Fonnesu, N., Ghani, Z., Klix, A., Loreti, S., Naish, J., Packer, L., Pillon, M., Popovichev, S., Stamatelatos, I.E., Vasilopoulou, T. and JET Contributors (2018) Shutdown dose rate neutronics experiment during high performances DD operations at JET, Fusion Engineering and Design, 136, 1545-1549, DOI: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2018.05.053 []
Packer, L.W., Batistoni, P., Bradnam, S.C., Colling, B., Conroy, S., Ghani, Z., Gilbert, M.R., Jednorog, S., Łaszyńska, E., Leichtle, D., Lengar, I., Mietelski, J.W., Misiak, R., Nobs, C.R., Pillon, M., Popovichev, S., Radulović, V., Stamatelatos, I.E., Vasilopoulou, T., Wójcik-Gargula, A. (2018) Activation of ITER materials in JET: Nuclear characterisation experiments for the long-term irradiation station, Nuclear Fusion, 58 (9), art. no. 096013, DOI: 10.1088/1741-4326/aacca0 []
Packer, L.W., Batistoni, P., Colling, B., Drozdowicz, K., Jednorog, S., Gilbert, M.R., Laszynska, E., Leichtle, D., Mietelski, J.W., Pillon, M., Stamatelatos, I.E., Vasilopoulou, T., Wójcik-Gargula, A., JET Contributors (2017) Status of ITER material activation experiments at JET, Fusion Engineering and Design, 124, 1150-1155, DOI: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2017.01.037 []
Villari, R., Batistoni, P., Catalan, J.P., Colling, B., Croft, D., Fischer, U., Flammini, D., Fonnesu, N., Jones, L., Klix, A., Kos, B., Kłosowski, M., Kodeli, I., Loreti, S., Moro, F., Naish, J., Obryk, B., Packer, L., Pereslavtsev, P., Pilotti, R., Popovichev, S., Sauvan, P., Stamatelatos, I.E., Vasilopoulou, T., JET Contributors (2017) ITER oriented neutronics benchmark experiments on neutron streaming and shutdown dose rate at JET, Fusion Engineering and Design, 123, pp. 171-176, []
Stamatelatos, I.E., Vasilopoulou, T., Batistoni, P., Obryk, B., Popovichev, S., Naish, J. (2017) Neutron streaming studies along JET shielding penetrations, EPJ Web of Conferences, 153, art. no. 07028, DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/201715307028 []
C.R. Nobs, P. Batistoni, B. Colling, Z. Ghani, M. Gilbert, S. Loreti, K. Mergia, S. Messoloras, L.W. Packer, M. Pillon, M. Savva, I.E. Stamatelatos, K. Triantou, T. Vasilopoulou, VERDI: A Novel Neutron Detector for Use in Future Fusion Power Plants, oral presentation in the Conference on Applied Radiation Metrology, 7-9 November 2017, National Physical Laboratory (NPL), London, U.K.
Stamatelatos, I.E., Vasilopoulou, T., Filippaki, E., Georgolopoulou, P., Ntalla, E., Bassiakos, Y. (2016) Photon activation analysis of large metallurgical slag samples using a 23 MV medical linear accelerator, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 309 (1),165-171, DOI: 10.1007/s10967-016-4753-1 []
Vasilopoulou, T., Stamatelatos, I.E., Montoya, E.H., Bedregal, P.S., Tsalafoutas, I., Bode, P. (2015) Large sample neutron activation analysis of irregular-shaped pottery artifacts, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 303, 853-858, DOI: 10.1007/s10967-014-3307-7 []
Vasilopoulou, T., Stamatelatos, I.E., Batistoni, P., Conroy, S., Obryk, B., Popovichev, S., Syme, D.B., JET contributors (2015) Neutron streaming along ducts and labyrinths at the JET biological shielding: Effect of concrete composition, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 116, 359-364, DOI: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2015.04.015 []
Batistoni, P., Conroy, S., Lilley, S., Naish, J., Obryk, B., Popovichev, S., Stamatelatos, I., Syme, B., Vasilopoulou, T., JET contributors (2015) Benchmark experiments on neutron streaming through JET Torus Hall penetrations, Nuclear Fusion, 55 (5), art. no. 053028, DOI: 10.1088/0029-5515/55/5/053028 []
Obryk, B., Batistoni, P., Conroy, S., Syme, B.D., Popovichev, S., Stamatelatos, I.E., Vasilopoulou, T., Bilski, P. (2014) Thermoluminescence measurements of neutron streaming through JET Torus Hall ducts, Fusion Engineering and Design, 89, 2235-2240, DOI: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2013.12.045 []
Vasilopoulou, T., Tzika, F., Stamatelatos, I.E. (2012) Collimated scanning for large sample neutron activation analysis of inhomogeneous samples, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 291, 479-483, DOI: 10.1007/s10967-011-1204-x []
Vasilopoulou, T., Tzika, F., Koster-Ammerlaan, M.J.J., Stamatelatos, I.E. (2011) Large sample neutron activation analysis of a reference inhomogeneous sample, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 289, 731-737, DOI: 10.1007/s10967-011-1130-y []