European Joint Programme on fusion research

European Joint Programme on fusion research
Start date
End date
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Project summary
The EUROfusion programme is based on the Roadmap to the Realisation of Fusion Energy. The programme has two aims:
- Preparing for ITER experiments
- Developing concepts for the future fusion power demonstration plant DEMO
The 30 European consortium members, receive funding for fusion projects in accordance with their participation in the missions and experiments outlined in the Roadmap.
Another facet of the EUROfusion programme is to support fusion education and training through the EUROfusion Research Grant and EUROfusion Engineering Grant schemes. EUROfusion also supports diverse research projects in the participating laboratories through the Enabling Research scheme.
FTG participation in EUROfusion
FTG has the Scientific Coordination of the following tasks:
- WP Materials - Integrated Radiation Effects Modelling and Experimental Validation
- Fe ion irradiation of Fe and FeCr thin films, effects of radiation damage on structural & magnetic properties
- Resistivity recovery of fusion materials after proton irradiation at cryogenic temperature
- WP Materials - Neutron irradiation effects
- Neutron irradiation effecs in tungsten
- WP Enabling Research
- Post-irradiation annealing of representative neutron damaged microstructures in tungsten (PREDICT)
- Novel Neutron Detector for Fusion (VERDI)
- WP JET2 Plasma Facing Components
- Analysis of W coated CFC tiles from the JET tokamak
- Analysis of Be tiles from the JET tokamak
- WP JET3 Technical Exploitation of DT Operation
- Experiments for neutron transport & activation code validation
- Activation measurements for ITER material characterisation and data validation
- Functional Material Damage Studies