Project summary
EUROfusion programme directs and integrates research across Europe into a comprehensive R&D programme to realise fusion energy. Fusion energy has the potential to generate sustainable, low-carbon heat and electricity from a low-footprint facility, using the same process that produces all the energy of the Sun. Future fusion power plants would complement renewable energy from solar and wind (in combination with storage) currently being developed, and would produce clean base load energy from abundant fuels.
Project summary
Tungsten (W) plays a key role in fusion research as it is considered the most suitable material for plasma facing components. One of the difficulties in the utilization of W is its inherent brittleness which is further exacerbated at high temperature due to the inevitable recrystallization. This project will check if recrystallization may at the same time have adverse effects also on the recovery of radiation damage in W.
Project summary
The EUROfusion programme is based on the Roadmap to the Realisation of Fusion Energy. The programme has two aims: